Love Letter to Single Women

Dear Single Woman,
You are beautiful. You are worthy.
You are enough. You are complete.
You don't have to be in an intimate relationship to be happy. You can be single and be happy at the same time.
Do not listen to the lies that pop into your head or the ones you hear from others.
Being single and choosing to remain single doesn't mean:
you are incapable of commitment.
something is wrong with you.
you are selfish.
you hate men.
you are too picky.
you need to lower your standards.
It is okay to go out alone. It is okay to enjoy your own company.
You may feel lonely. You are not the only one that feels that way sometimes. It is okay to feel that way. Feeling that way does not mean you should settle down with someone who isn't right for you. Better to be lonely than be in an unfulfilling relationship.
There may be someone out there for you as well as there may not be. You may meet that special someone someday, or you may not. Accept this and be at peace.
Be happy with yourself. Accept yourself. Love yourself. Take care of yourself. You have you right now and that is all that matters.
Yours truly,
A Happy, Single Woman