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Be like a cactus

Chamaelobivia ‘Rose Quartz’ “Peanut Cactus” - @destaoneal
Chamaelobivia ‘Rose Quartz’

"The desert works constantly to forbid it, and still the cactus blooms." Anonymous

As a child, I loved seeing plants, especially while in bloom, but I did not love having to take care of them. I remember my mother would have to constantly remind me to water the plants. And I would reluctantly put down the book I was reading (my number 1 passion) or move away from the television (my number 2 passion), and with a sulk on my face, I would water them. I never grew to love performing that chore (or any of the other household chore), it was something I had to do because my mother, who was a teacher, was very strict. You did what you were told or suffer the consequences (and since that consequence is no longer considered acceptable, I will say no more).

When I became and adult and no longer lived at home, I admired plants from afar but didn't have any at home. That was until 2017, when a friend (who has a huge cacti collection) gave me a cactus plant as a gift. I fell in love immediately, while in the back of my mind concerned about its survival (with my mother no longer around to remind me to water it I feared it would die an untimely death). All negative thoughts about the fate of my beautiful gift, however, went away when I learnt that it did not require constant watering because cacti can survive in hot and dry environments. Now, three years later, I am the proud owner of 17 potted plants (all capable of surviving with minimal water). The image above is of my cactus in bloom.

Over the three years, I have received many cuts from the thorns of my beautiful babies. I have tried using gloves but I find them too bothersome so I don’t bother. Just like being cut by the thorns on a cactus, we are sometimes faced with painful moments in our lives. Since the start of 2020, there seems to be no end to the sad events that have occurring. It is sometimes overwhelming. Sometimes I have to disengage and not read or listen to the news. It doesn’t mean I don’t care, and that I don’t empathize with the persons who have been negatively impacted. It is just a necessary action to keep sane and to try to find the lessons that these events are teaching us. So, while we find our various ways to cope and keep going, let us not forget these tragic events, but let us use them to make us better and stronger, more determined to live and overcome. It is understandable that some days will be sad. However, being sad should not be our default state. Just like the cactus, there is still beauty within us and all around us. Just like a cactus, we should allow our beauty to shine.

In addition to being beautiful (whether they are blooming or not), cacti are “strong, enduring, and tough.” They can stand up to the test of time and the elements. That is why they are said to symbolize “endurance, tenacity and strength in the face of adversity – they survive even when it seems impossible.” (Source:

It is also said that if someone gives you a cactus plant, they think you are a resilient fighter. (Source: When I learnt this recently, the gift I was given three years ago became even more significant. Like a cactus, over the years, I have indeed weathered quite several storms and looking back, I am surprised at how resilient I have been. Now when I look at my cacti collection, I am reminded that I can handle whatever challenges come my way. I am reminded that I have overcome in the past and I can do it now and in the future.

It is understandable that sometimes you feel like giving up, as if you have no fight left. However, like the cactus, you can stand up to the test of time. You have the inner strength and endurance to pull through and you will. You have what it takes to survive the life-altering changes that you are going through. Just be patient and keep fighting.

So, like a cactus plant, notwithstanding the hurts and the disappointments, let us allow our beauty to radiate through acts of kindness (in words and deeds) to others and ourselves. In addition, like a cactus, let us keep striving, regardless of how challenging things may get. Here is some more advice from a cactus.

I challenge you, give the gift of a cactus plant a friend you admire. Also, get one for your home or office to remind you to stay strong and endure, and let your beauty shine.

Note: The cacti with the blooms above are compliments of @destaoneal.

Love, laughter and light!


Marsha & Sumarai (resized).jpg

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